Firstly i would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas (late i know) and a happy new year hope you all got want you wanted,i did very well the only thing i didn`t want was all that snow and the heavy frosts i live next to the coast on the east and we don`t normally get serve frosts or snow but it got as cold as -10 and about a foot of snow the ground is still frozen solid so i was unable to get at my leeks and parsnips for the Christmas day meal manage to get some sprouts but the serve frosts managed to ruin my stored potatoes which to be honest am quite gutted about even though they was not that good for mash.The hard frosts as also managed to break two pains of glass in my cold frame my little pond is still frozen solid to a depth off six inches.
There ain't much i can do down the plot at the mo so i am busy making a list of crops to grow this coming year and toying with the idea of taking over the plot next to me i think this growing lark as bitten me big style.
Anyway Happy new year and don't drink to much (unlike me.)