Sunday, 12 September 2010

Back to Digging

We are still are managing some great days of sunshine maybe its a Indian summer,but never the less i have started some of my Autumn/winter projects.The first one being laying the path which will run the full length of the plot (180ft) i am using pallets which i collect from work and i must say they make a very good walkway.

Has for the harvests i am still collect courgettes not as many now my butternut squashes are just about ready and my spinach beet is to die for as is the sweet corn must grow more next year.I have yet to harvest my main crop of potatoes which i shall do before the end of the month.

My horseradish as finally began to show sins of life so next year fingers crossed i will be making my own horseradish sauce,i bought a fig tree last month i have put it in a tub and its shot of mind you i don't expect any figs for a few years yet.

I have been surfing the web of late and came across  a site which i joined and entered a conversation about rent i just can't believe the difference rent prices and mine seems to be the most expensive.