Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Courgette Heaven

Is it just me or is everyone the same you just seem to harvest you crop of lovely green or yellow courgettes turn your back and there is more ready to harvest, I have been searching the net for recipes so looks like me and the family (plus friends) will be trying all new ways to cook a courgette, last year I had four plants which we dined on very well but this year I seem to have gone crazy and got ten plants (never got round to giving and of my little plants away).

Well after what seemed a slow start to the season everything as caught up well and new its time to harvests many crops at the moment I have broad beans peas, potatoes courgettes (as already stated) cucumbers tomatoes salad leaves spring onions along with my normal onions (red and white).All the soft fruits have been harvest and either eaten or frozen (mostly eaten).

This year seems to be a failure for beetroot carrot just cant seem to get them going but sweet corn as surprised me it as come on very well and hopefully in a month times we shall be eating home grown sweet corn.

Its been very dry so far so am down the plot everyday watering just trying to keep things moving on but the more I water the more we get courgettes which I suppose isn’t a bad thing………