This year I am getting ahead start on my battle with the dreaded cabbage white butterfly; don’t get me wrong I like butterflies but not when they are attacking my cabbages and cauliflowers.
So I have starting netting up so far I have the sprouts broccoli netted just got to sorting out some more poles then I shall extended the netting to the summer cauliflowers and cabbages.
Project Plastic bottle green house is coming on now must have enough bottle to complete one side of the greenhouse now so I trip to the wood yard is coming up for the framing timber.
Project path seams to come to a halt while I got on top of the weeding but need to get back on track the path I have done is a pleasure to walk on compared to the uneven track of the old path.
I have harvest the first of my out door radish and the gooseberries are just about ready even though I keep picking the old one or two as I pasted.
My little pond is now complete in my herb garden and is now home to about 30 tadpoles.
This week also saw me plant out the sweet corn and this coming week should see me get my leeks planted out along with some more carrots and Swedes.
In the green house all the toms are growing nicely along with the cucumbers and aubergines need to pot up my peppers and chillies.
Its a pity work gets in the way of something you really enjoy doing………..